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Youth Ministry

Due to Covid-19 all our youth programs are postponed.



Sunday Sermons:

Both Services are in our facility and on Facebook live.


At 11 AM service we are studying the Book of Joshua and at our 6 PM service we are doing the Book of Acts. 

Feel free to join us.

Adult Bible Fellowships

We at Salem love to fellowship. Throughout the year we have different times to get together for some fun doing different activities such as corn boils, sleigh rides, Providence Dinners (aka Pot Lucks), ladies activities, men activities etc.


So be sure to check out our coming up events page to see what fun is next.


SWIFT is our ladies group which meets once a month for a time of fellowship, a time of encouragement, a time of devotion from the Bible and a light refreshment is served each meeting.

Usually they meet from 10 - 11 am. Not a lady from Salem, that is ok, all ladies are welcome. Contact the church to see day and location for their get together. (506 536 0407)


We also enjoy our time together at men. We meet THE FIRST THURSDAY of the month for breakfast at 234 Main Street (our building) for a great meal (due to covid you need to bring your own)and a time of devotion and fellowship.


Check Events for next ladies and men's meetings.

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